EFCO and CLIMAT engineering are also specialist in CHP

(CHP) systems are significantly more efficient. CHP technologies produce both electricity and thermal energy from a single energy source. These systems recover heat that normally would be wasted in an electricity generator, then use it to produce one or more of the following: steam, hot water, space heating, humidity control, or cooling. By using a CHP system, the fuel that would otherwise be used to produce heat or steam in a separate unit is saved.
Combined cooling, heating, and power, in conventional conversion of fuel to electricity, two thirds of the energy input is lost to the environment as heat. By recycling and using this waste heat, CHP systems achieve efficiencies of 60% to 80% — a dramatic improvement over the average 33% efficiency of conventional fossil-fueled power plants. These higher efficiencies have an added bonus: reducing air emissions of nitrous oxides, sulfur dioxide, mercury, particulate matter, and carbon dioxide. CHP systems produce much less air pollution than conventional technologies. 

CHP can be used in the following areas:

-The collective housing
-Gouvernement buildings
-Hospitals, clinics
-Hotels, swimming pools, sports or recreational water
-Schools, offices bulding,
-Supermarkets, malls,
-Processing, chemicals, food, metallurgy
-Agriculture: greenhouses, grain drying
- Everywhere that you need eletricity, heating ande cooling

The EFCO engineering design consultancy specialises in building fit-outs and building and industrial engineering design such as heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, electricity and smoke control.

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